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  • Environmental stewardship
  • Water quality
  • Infrastructure improvement 
  • Workforce development

Environmental Stewardship

The Delta provides the water we need to live and thrive in our communities. Protecting the Delta and the environment that surrounds it is crucial for us and the future of our children. I opposed the Twin-Tunnels when I was elected to serve in 2020 and will continue to oppose any project that will negatively impact the health of the Delta and its complex ecosystems.  Read More

Water Quality

The Los Vaqueros Reservoir provides a reliable source of high quality water when the Delta water quality declines during the summer months. As Contra Costa Water negotiates agreements with the Los Vaqueros Expansion Joint Powers Authority, I will make sure that the investments we made in the Los Vaqueros project are protected. 

I will continue to support Contra Costa Water with treatment plant upgrades in support of water quality and reliability and the completion of the first phase of replacing 14,000 feet of the open canal into a pipe. 

Infrastructure Improvement

I support Contra Costa Water in its endeavor to replace aging infrastructure to ensure our customers have water when they turn on the tap.

This includes all the water mains, small and large, that serve our customers. Most importantly, the remaining stretch 26 miles of our main canal from the City of Oakley to Clyde. Replacing the aging canal will have an immediate impact on life safety, water quality, water supply, and reduce high maintenance costs.

Workforce Development

Since my election, I was successful in partnering with CiviCorps to support their new office and training space in the City of Pittsburgh. They employ and train young men and women in conservation and recycling. Contra Costa Water District contracts with CiviCorps to perform weed abatement on watershed property, canal easement, and facility grounds which include pump stations, reservoirs, and treatment plants. 

I actively participate and support the Future Build MC3 apprenticeship program in the City of Pittsburgh. Preparing young men and women for work in the public sector trades is really important to me. Working at East Bay Municipal Utility District changed my life and I want young people to know they can enjoy a career in public service, raise a family, continue their education while working, and retire with a pension.

Committee to Elect Antonio Martinez
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